5 Things To Make Your Event Great

We have fed over 30,000 people and catered at events from 1000+ person companies events, celebrity weddings to small office lunches and birthday parties. When you have seen so many events that are all so different in so many ways, you begin to spot commonalities with them and you realise that the essence of what makes an event great are the same principles.

We will share our 5 top-tips on how to make your event run smoothly and be memorable.

Feed people early and regularly.

We have been to so many events and people want to make a big thing about the food they have organised. We care even more about it because we pour our heart and soul in to every meal we make. But there becomes a point in an event when guests can turn - they call it "hangry". Too many times have we seen people turn up at an event, be given a drink, but have to wait 4+ hours until they get some food. By that point people don't even care what they're eating and all that effort for the food you have spent ages creating is wasted. The key is regularly offer grazing bites whether that is canapés or a grazing board for people to help themselves to, it keeps away 'hangry" and it means when the time for the main meal comes along - people appreciate it. Also it can be the difference from happy drunk to drunk drunk!

Don't play music to your taste, play to the rooms.

When you're observing an event there is a moment when the energy changes, you can feel it in the air when it goes from relaxed and sombre to fun and exciting. Usually music is that trigger that ignites the party and before you know it people are up off their seats and the party has begun. We had a, not so, memorable event recently for a joint 18th and 60th. It soon became very clear the 18th celebration won the toss for the music selection. As Drake and other HipHop played along the 50/60 year olds sat down and watched their night disappear with disappointment. No one wants an exclusive event, make it inclusive. People are scared enough about dancing, give them something familiar and if there is a diverse crowd play something on mutual ground to get people up off their chair and enjoying themselves.

A speech is glorious and book reading isn't

A speech is a beautiful part of the night, it reminds people why they're all brought together, it can set the room off with laughter or give them a moment of reflection. Something so meaningful can become a torture method unmanaged. We were observers at a wedding with 6 speeches all taking between 20-30 minutes each. After 2 hours and 20 minutes the speeches were over. We were all exhausted. It just defies human nature to maintain concentration for that long. Keep the number of speeches limited and keep them under 15 minutes. Events are usually for celebrations, remember that and let people have fun. If you have to keep peoples attention for a long time then……….

Get the formal stuff out the way first - always!

If your plan is to have peoples undivided attention for something, a raffle, a speech or an award then get it out the way early. Not only will it annoy you later trying to keep people quiet and the drunk in the back who wont stop talking over you, but people will start to loose interest if all everyone is doing is saying "shhhhh" only contributing to the noise problem further. You have put time and effort in to the event, enjoy your moment. Just make sure you have it at the earlier part of the night rather than later.

Bins/places for rubbish

So unglamorous but so simple, people quickly overlook this because they are focused on every other aspect of making the event look great. I see time and time again people forget to think about the basics of keeping the event looking great and tidy throughout the night. Its simple - put some bins out. When it comes to cleaning up you will see your clean up time decrease 70%. The party will look tidy throughout the evening. There is nothing worse then bending over every step to pick up food packaging or empty bottles and glasses.